Prinsesse Eirin
Two becomes One...
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Two becomes One...
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Vegard og Mari Husby...Et herlig par!!! 

Two becomes one...

Two people meet
in a little street
when the sunset fades away
they sheare their dreams
every thought they have
and a hole new life begin

And He's the one
And She's the one
I hope life will treat you kind
And She's the one
And He's the one
God bless you

He holds her tight 
in the cold night
when the tear falls down her face
now the day has come
when they will unite
and two becomes one

I see a glimt of Jesus
in your smiling face
and it's your warming words
that has given me hope


Denna sangen skrev jeg til Mari og Vegard når dem ble forlova... Dem er et skjønt par... Jeg har ikke kjent dem så lenge, men dem er helt fantastiske, og er gode forbilder som jeg ser veldig opp til...
Mari og Vegard...Gud velsigne døkk!!! Døkk er best!!!

Gud er god!!!